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The Phoenix LiveView LifeCycle Illustrated

LiveView Life Cycle Flow Chart

We can see the path the HTTP request takes from disconnected mount to the stateful render. Remember, a LiveView is just a process and it implements all of the GenServer callbacks as well. The terminate callback is optional and generally not implemented.

The LiveView Life Cycle as a Flow Chart

Mermaid Markdown

Here’s the markdown if you’re interested in making any modifications!

graph TB
    HTTP_Request["HTTP Request"]
    mount_disconnected["mount/3 Callback (Disconnected)"]
    handle_params_disconnected["handle_params/3 Callback (Disconnected)"]
    render_disconnected["render/1 Callback (Disconnected)"]
    LiveView_Connects["LiveView Connects (Stateful views are spawned)"]
    mount_connected["mount/3 Callback (Connected)"]
    handle_params_connected["handle_params/3 Callback (Connected)"]
    render_connected["render/1 Callback (Connected)"]
    Continuous_Connection["Continuous Connection"]
    terminate["Terminate callback - handle cleanup"]

    HTTP_Request --> mount_disconnected
    mount_disconnected --> handle_params_disconnected
    handle_params_disconnected --> render_disconnected
    render_disconnected --> LiveView_Connects
    LiveView_Connects --> mount_connected
    mount_connected --> handle_params_connected
    handle_params_connected --> render_connected
    render_connected --> Continuous_Connection
    Continuous_Connection --> handle_event
    handle_event --> render_connected
    Continuous_Connection -- "If crash or connection drop" --> Reconnect
    Reconnect --> mount_connected
    Continuous_Connection -- "Patch" --> handle_params_connected