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Debugging Elixir

What's the difference between inspect, dbg, and tap?

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John Curran

The Phoenix LiveView LifeCycle Illustrated

A picture's worth a thousand words. It can be confusing to explain to a LiveView newbie just what the lifecycle of a LiveView process looks like. I made a flow chart to help visualize how an HTTP Request becomes a stateful LiveView

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John Curran

How To Add Magic Link Login to a Phoenix LiveView App

Magic link authentication has become an increasingly common way to sign in to web applications. Magic link authentication is where one receives a link in their email to sign in to a web application rather than enter their email and password (Slack is a popular example of this sign in flow)

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John Curran

Phoenix LiveView Anti Patterns

Phoenix LiveView enables rapid development of interactive web apps. It's extremely powerful and an absolute pleasure to write every day. The LiveView paradigm differs from the traditional front-end/back-end split of most web apps written today. DOM updates happen through a persistent websocket connection instead of requiring a round-trip to a backend server.

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John Curran